
法院收到一份有驾照的司机和身份证持有者的名单, 18岁以上, from the Department of Motor Vehicles and a list of registered voters from Voter Registration. 法院用这个名单来召集未来的陪审员参加陪审服务.

陪审团服务的报酬是多少? 我什么时候能拿到工资?

目前,陪审员可以得到12美元.00 per day and are reimbursed for the mileage from their home at a rate of 65.每英里5美分. 陪审团的工资是每周五发的.


有资格报销餐费和住宿费 宣誓就职 juror sh所有 be 75 or more miles away from their residence while serving on a jury panel.  Jurors will not be compensated for any lodging arrangements made for the night prior to jury selection. 所有住宿安排 宣誓就职 陪审员 会由法院行政处作出.


作为陪审员, 一旦你出庭受审, 不管你是否被选为小组成员, your jury service is considered complete for two years in the 莫哈维族县 Court System.


陪审团服务的第一步是选择陪审员. 这个过程通常不超过一天. The courts will c所有 more people than necessary for the purpose of jury selection. This is done to ensure that the courts have an adequate number of 陪审员 to choose from. 如果你被选为陪审员, 法官会告诉你他或她预计审判会持续多久. 在司法和市政法院,审判通常在一天内完成.


作为陪审员, you are an officer of the court; and should dress appropriately. 建议穿商务休闲装. The temperature of the jury assembly room and courtrooms can be unpredictable; you may want to bring a sweater or jacket. 短裤, 迷你裙, 吊带衫, 笼头, 没有胸罩的连衣裙或上衣, 图形t恤衫, rubber sandals and other informal attire is not considered appropriate in the courtroom setting. If you should appear wearing these or other items deemed unsuitable for attending court, you may be required to return home at your own expense to change into more suitable attire or your jury service may be rescheduled to another date.


Persons who are scheduled to appear for jury service may postpone the date of their initial appearance for jury service two times only. 经及时请求,准予延期 所有 下列各项均适用:

1. 这位准陪审员并没有被允许两次提前推迟.

2. The prospective juror contacts the jury commissioner by telephone or electronic mail or in writing to request a postponement.

借口一般不会以宗教信仰为基础, 道德信仰, 业主身份, 医生或律师的职业地位, 等.; however, you may request to be excused for ANY reason two times only. 如果你是由于上述原因之一而申请永久请假, 你需要写一封信给6686皇冠最新登陆的主审法官.

  1.  A juror seeking to be excused from jury service for a medical or mental health condition must provide the jury office with a written statement from a licensed health care professional. The statement must be in writing and sh所有 contain a description and duration of any mobility restrictions, the specific symptoms that make the prospective juror ment所有y or physic所有y unfit for jury service and their duration, 准陪审员的就业状况和姓名, 签名, 专业执照号码(如适用), 专业领域和授权医生的联系方式, 注册执业护士或专业护理人员. 有一份可用的医疗表格 (点击这里), or a handwritten note from the doctor on official letterhead is also accepted.
  2.  A juror seeking to be excused from jury service for public interest would have to explain how their service would substanti所有y and materi所有y affect the public interest or welfare in an adverse manner.
  3. A juror may be excused from jury service if they are not currently capable of understanding the 英语 language, 不希望有翻译.
  4. A juror seeking to be excused from jury service for adult caregiver status must provide a statement from the patient's physician. The statement must confirm that that the patient requires care 24 hours a day, 一周7天, 365 days a year and must also designate the juror as the sole caregiver and explain why alternate care cannot be provided for even one day.
  5. A juror seeking to be excused from jury service for child caregiver status must provide proof of dependency (birth certificates). If the child is school age the juror must explain why they would not be available for jury service during school hours. 陪审员如果受雇,就没有资格享受照顾者豁免.
  6. A juror seeking to be excused from jury service for financial hardship must provide documentation showing that by attending jury service, the juror would incur costs that would have a substantial adverse impact on the payment of the person's necessary daily living expenses or on those for whom the juror provides regular employment or the principal means of support. The juror must show that by serving on a jury for even one day would place them under the federal poverty guidelines by providing supporting documentation such as federal and state income tax returns.
  7. A juror seeking to be excused from jury service due to employment as a law enforcement officer must be currently certified by the Arizona peace officer standards and training board (AZPOST) and currently employed as a peace officer in this state or any political subdivision of this state. The employer of a peace officer sh所有 not in any way influence the peace officer to make or not to make an application to the court to be excused from jury service.
  8. A prospective juror who is at least seventy-five years of age may request to be excused temporarily or permanently.
  9. A juror seeking to be excused from jury service due to being a student must provide documentation showing they are registered full-time at a college or university. The juror must provide a copy of their current class registration showing the number of units they are currently enrolled in. Should the student reside in 莫哈维族县 and be employed full-time during the day and enrolled as a full-time night student, 陪审员不能被免除服务.
  10.  A juror seeking to be excused from jury service due to active military status must provide documentation showing that they are currently enlisted, 他们驻扎在哪里,服役多长时间. A family member can also provide this documentation in instances where the juror is unable to be reached.